Al Dia Intermedio ejercicios +D (+ Audio CD) - Gisele Prost, Alfredo Noriega

Al Dia Intermedio ejercicios +D (+ Audio CD) - Gisele Prost, Alfredo Noriega
Автор: Gisele Prost, Alfredo Noriega
Количество страниц: 381
Ответственный редактор: Валериан Руданов
Художник-иллюстратор: Бордо Наум
Дата печати: 2011
Формат - fb2, pdf, epub, txt

Информация: Al Dia Intermedio ejercicios +D (+ Audio CD)

This is a Spanish learning course for professional relationships and the business world. There are three levels: A2; B1/B2 and B2/C1. As a tool for classroom use, it provides business and commercial environment tasks. This edition includes a Student's Book CD to work on oral skills. Each level of "AL DIA" is organized into eight lessons. Each of them is divided into five sections: Sentemos Bases (vocabulary); Analicemos y practiquemos (vocabulary and syntax); Creemos y negociemos (practice of acquired knowledge); Cada dia mas (sociocultural concepts); and, El rincon gramatical (a grammar summary). "AL DIA" is a comprehensive course. Students will work from concept introduction to task execution through conversations and original documents. It constantly refers to Internet resources. Читать полную книгу Al Dia Intermedio ejercicios +D (+ Audio CD) автора Gisele Prost, Alfredo Noriega.
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